Angjushev, Bekteshi, Lika, Dimitrov, Zaev and Asaf Ademi are the richest ministers and together are worth around 35 million euros Deskoska, Duraku, Edmond Ademi, Manchevski, Tevdovski and Nikolovski are the poorest ministers, owning all together only 500 thousand euros The Minister Ahmedovski has not declared his property at all, and some ministers have “forgotten” to declare their parents’ property SCOOP’s survey within the project “Politically Exposed Persons” shows that officials in Macedonia have diverse property assets Authors: Angela Rajchevska and Bjanka Stankovikj The first seven richest ministers of the government of the Republic of Macedonia declared that they own assets worth 35 million euros. The convincingly wealthiest 30 million-euro official is Kocho Angjushev, deputy prime minister in charge of economic affairs and coordination with economic sectors in the Government. In addition to the apartment in Skopje, Angjushev has...