DOCUMENTATION authors: Bjanka Stankovich, Angela Petrovska and Angela Rajchevska Fifty cuts of lamb cost 17,500 denars, 30 pieces of white cheese – 7,500 denars, and ten kilograms of hard cheese – 3,880 denars. A total of 30,324 denars, or 500 Euros were paid by the municipality of Ohrid to the company Kamimpex for an undefined “catering” service. But this is not the record of the Ohrid administration. In one day someone put a signature on an invoice for spent 41,580 denars or about 650 Euros, also for restaurant services where they had salads and rakija, grills, wine, chocolate cakes and cognac. BOTH RICH AND POOR MUNICIPALITIES SPEND ON RESTAURANTS Fried zucchini, seafood risotto, meat, grilled squid, ice cream, cake and fruit…were not enough in one day for one or more “related” parties paid with tax money, so they...