5 years SCOOP: Others about us
Brigitte Alfter, Journalismfund.eu A never ending story Critical voices are a necessity and a gift to any society. Like cleaning, repairing and building keeps a house in good shape, critical in-depth investigative journalism and constructive thought keep a society in good shape. I’m happy to know that Scoop Macedonia attempt exactly that and year after year struggles to provide necessary journalism. Anne Haubek, Danish Radio Development of critical and impartial journalism Scoop Macedonia has established itself as a very significant player in the media landscape in Macedonia, making it possible for journalists to do independent, investigative stories. Scoop Macedonia supports the development of critical and impartial journalism which is fundamentally important in a modern democracy. By perseverance, idealism and by insisting the Scoop team has managed to not only keep the boat floating but has also been able to set more boats to sea...