Posts by CIJ SCOOP Macedonia:
Macedonian students with worst standards in the Balkans
Macedonia is a country of pensioners, they receive free baths, free transport, larger pensions. Unlike students, who are to bear the burden of the Macedonian society, thrown on the margins and have the worst living in the Balkans and beyond Dilapidated roofs and floors. Crumbling walls, ruined buildings. This is the picture of the Macedonian dormitories. This image is synonymous with Macedonian student standard. SCOOP Macedonia did a research...
Problematic players in the casino business
Owners of casinos in Macedonia are problematic. With imported hundreds of millions of Euros to the Macedonian border with Greece, casinos remind of gambling mecca, such as Macau, Estonia or Las Vegas. But what do heads of the gambling industry hide? Center for Investigative Journalism SCOOP Macedonia investigated the conflicts with the law of the owners of temples of dice in Macedonia, casinos Flamingo and Princess, as second part...
Azerbaijan Jails Top Investigative Journalist
Investigative journalist Khadija Ismayilova, who has written numerous hard-hitting stories on corruption in Azerbaijan, was sentenced Tuesday to seven and a half years in prison by the Azerbaijani authorities. The popular reporter, who worked for Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and was a senior investigator for OCCRP, was convicted on charges of embezzlement, running an illegal business, tax evasion and abuse of power. Ismayilova insists she is being imprisoned for...
Macedonia becomes Balkan Las Vegas: low standards and too much gambling
DOCUMENTS (Note: Documents for all companies are attached on links to their names. To view them click on link DOCUMENTS) Macedonia is at the bottom of the list of Balkan countries by foreign direct investments. Official figures show that in 2013 Macedonia attracted only 251 million Euros foreign investments, Montenegro 350 million, Bosnia and Herzegovina 300 million, while the same year Kosovo registered 259 million Euros....
Free Khadija!
A court in Azerbaijan has prolonged the pretrial detention period for Khadija Ismayilova, an investigative journalist and contributor to RFE/RL who has been behind bars since December. The Nasimi District Court in Baku ruled on May 14 that Ismayilova’s pretrial detention period will be extended for three months. Ismayilova, whose investigative reporting has exposed corruption by Azerbaijani government officials, was arrested on December 5 and initially charged with inciting...
New witnesses to abuses in “Lepeza” disclosed, Norwegian Embassy is checking
author: Stojanka Mitreska Soldier Ilija Todev from Veles who neither has a driving license, nor has ever taken the driving test in any driving school in the country, claims to have been on the list of soldiers who received a driving license through “Lepeza”. Contrary to the case of Todev, some time ago Inbox 7 published a story about a soldier – Zoran Karadakovski from Veles, also a former...
Flirting with NGO-s: Same organisations receive public money every year
Author: Aleksandar Dimitrievski The Government of RM, in accordance with legislation in the late 90’s, regularly supports associations and foundations. The allocation of a certain amount of money by government decision is made by the current as it was by the previous governments. Various support funds have been opened throughout the years. So today money is given to foundations and associations through separate ministries, municipalities and at least...
Free economic zones – shrouded in mystery
It is problematic that the government’s support in economic zones is opaque, different budget items are used, which makes it particularly difficult to determine how much money has been spent for these foreign investors, analysts say author: Natasha Stojanovska Article is originaly published on May 6, 2015 at Trying to attract more foreign investments, the government not only provides customs and tax exemptions, but also offers direct state...